
Tuesday, March 06, 2007

CUTE JEW of the Week

Michael Vartan

Did you know Michael Vartan's mother is Polish-Jewish? Did you know that I heart him? Oh, to be Mrs. Cute Vartan.

--Cute Jewess (Vartan)


GatorGirlintheCity said...

OMG - He is my favorite hottie. Thank you for giving him the props he deserves!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, he IS a hottie!

Heather said...

HELLLLLOOOOO!!! HOT HOT HOT! I didn't know he was part Jewish!

Cute Jewess said...

Hee. Seems we all love my husband, no? YUMMY!

acaligurl said...

he looks too much like luke perry. and he reminds me of 90210! (piven, piven, piven) hee hee

Anonymous said...

Michael Vartan is truely the most handsome actor on the screen today. I can't wait for his new movies hopefully to be released this year - Rogue and Jolene!!!

Anonymous said...

Who knew so many hot men are Jewish!!

Michael Vartan's one of my favourites. He's probably the main reason I watched Alias as long as I did... And the kissing scene with him and Drew Barrymore in Never Been Kissed makes me sigh...

anne said...

He is hotness wrapped in a warm blanket.

Thomas said...

I usually find the 9th comment to be the most insightful.