
Friday, August 31, 2007

My, how I post less often when there are no boys in my life. Never fear, however. Loverville and I have plans to hit the town tonight. Cute boys: Be there or be...unlucky ;-)

I saw the Shrink this week for the first time in a while. I told him everything that happened with Big Smile, and he agreed that this one's entirely not my fault. BS was the one taking everything to a relationshippy state very early...and then freaking out when he felt it was too relationshippy. "It sounds like he got excited," Shrinky said. "Like he liked you. Like he was asking you to do activities more suitable for a girlfriend. But then he got scared."

Car Guy? Vanished. Just plain vanished. Never called again. Makes it much easier for me, but still. It also makes me question his character.

As to Smooch Boy? He's always in the background. If I wanted, I could call him up and I bet he'd come see me. But eh. I've got some fooling around out of my system, and I'm satisfied (at least for now!) to wait to find someone I really like. As always, there are a couple J-guys in the works, but I don't know yet if any are worth writing about.

--Cute Jewess


Samantha said...

Take it as a blessing you never heard back from Car Guy, it's just one less person you have to give the whole, "I just don't feel chemistry with you" speech. BS is an idiot, no explanation necessary. I'm sure you will find someone of interest this weekend, just remember to bring some douche cards with you just in case. ;)

Anonymous said...

No boys in your life???

What do you call me???

Anonymous said...

I'm curious, why does that make you question his character? You haven't call him either....

Anonymous said...

Why are you questioning Car Guy's character? I agree with Samantha; If you don't like him, he's saving you from having to have that talk which is never easy to have.

Perhaps he sensed you weren't into it and just left.

Cute Jewess said...

I agree that he probably sensed I wasn't into it. BUT it was the first time he was over my place. He asked to stay over. He left saying "I'll call you." When a dude asks to stay over and you let him, I think he should call no matter what. Am I glad that he didn't? Well, sure, it's a relief not to have to give the line that hurts a dude's feelings. But still, something's off if someone texts and calls ALL THE TIME then gets physical and drops off the face of the planet.

Anonymous said...

Ah, the classic line "I'll call you"

yeah, that dude wasn't going to call if he could sense you weren't into it and if he asked to stay over, he thought Le Petit Mort was going to be in the deal. And it shore wasn't!

Count yourself lucky. He's just being a stereotypical dude. I like to believe most men aren't like this, just dudes.

Anonymous said...

"I'll call you" is a total throwaway comment, it is just like saying good bye. Be happy, netiher of you were into it, you were mutually dissatisfied by the intimacy, so it died a very natural death. Truly, this is a case where it was mutual.