
Saturday, June 02, 2007

I mean...there are a few Jguys. But I can't say I'm too excited about any of them. I'm due to call 2 of them this weekend, but I'm not rushing to it.

  • Intellectual: He's potentially quite interesting! Short, but attractive,'s early yet, so we'll see.
  • Hot Doc: Seems like a nice enough guy, but there are a few potential drawbacks, one of which is location--not a city guy.
  • Teeth: He has a very toothy smile. So far our emails have been pretty darn boring. But maybe he's a phone guy. Eh, we'll see.
  • Tall Dark: We'll meet up at some point I think. I'm not sure if I find him attractive, but he seems like a decent enough guy.
  • Pig-Face: I have no idea why I'm thinking this guy looks a little pig-faced, but that's how I've been thinking of him. He's not unattractive--but he's pretty short. We have some things in common.
  • Impressed: This is the guy I'm most wary of. His emails carry a tone of "Oh my God you're awesome! And look how funny and charming I am!" If a phone conversation goes okay, I'll consider meeting him, but he's got some red flags.

Tonight's a party with Real Live Guys. I will think of it as flirting practice--because nine times out of ten, when I expect there to be cute guys at a party, I'm disappointed. But hey, if there's booze...and a fancy apartment to gawk at...and great company, well, then it's a win-win situation, no?

--Cute Jewess


Anonymous said...

I like your funny, creative names for your potential JDates! I hope one or more of them turn out to be good dates, and maybe one of them could be something more!

acaligurl said...

lol pig face.